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I work process-oriented, trauma-sensitive and mainly body-centred and offer Coaching & Therapy Sessions for: 

✓ Adults who are experiencing a challenging situation or crisis, are dealing with stress, overwhelm, restlessness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, strong emotion, uncertainty or a feeling of disconnect/disorientation/numbness

✓ Support in integrating difficult/painful or traumatic experiences  

✓ Relationship support (after loss, break-up or looking at general relationship patterns)

✓ Understanding unhelpful dynamics, patterns and self-sabotage -  start moving in a new, supportive direction 

✓ Finding more nervous system resilience, presence, contentment and awareness for your everyday life

✓ Connecting to yourself, your centre, true essence, inner your truth and aliveness

✓ Discover, deepen and cultivate your spirituality, meditation, mindfulness and divine connection

✓ Move from an uninspired life on autopilot towards alignment, clarity, empowerment, satisfaction and inspiration

Combination of different coaching, healing and therapy modalitie

In my sessions I work with a mix of the following methods: 

  • NI Neurosystemische Integration® ganzheitlich-integrative Traumaarbeit (Trauma Integration Work) 
  • Therapeutic Breathwork
  • MAP Coaching Method
  • EFT Emotional Freedom Technique /Tapping
  • Energy Work 
  • Meditation, Mindfulness, Functional Breathing
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Bach Flower Remedies

My approach of supporting people has developed over the past 16 years and continues to expand. My sessions are not conventional and not by the book. I will use what works best for you guided by my intuitive abilities, empathy, divine guidance and many years of experience.

Limited number of exclusive and tailor-made Coaching & Therapy sessions

It's my choice to book only three people a day and dedicate two hours to each person. Why? Because I value having enough time with my clients. Because I enjoy to listen deeply and be fully present with you and because healing processes unfold in a relaxed environment, free of time pressure. In this calm, safe and wide space, we can go deep, listen to your needs and allow integration to happen in its own sacred pace.

Recommended: Book a series of six sessions. One of them is my gift to you.

As mentioned my work is process-oriented, trauma-sensitive mainly body-centred, and goes into depth. Sustainable, genuine transformation and integration often takes time, depending on your history. The foundation for sustainable change is a safe space and a trusting connection.

Therefore it's best to start with a series of six sessions. After our first session together, we will both know whether we are a good match to continue working together. If you decide to purchase a series of six sessions, after your initial appointment, this first session (120 min.) will be my gift to you.

Read what clients say about working with me ...

Cost and duration

Single Session
One session lasts two hours and costs CHF 240.--

(payment in cash or twint)



"Deep Dive" Package (Process-oriented)
A series of 6 sessions x 120 min. costs CHF 1200 

Pay 5 and receive 1 as a gift

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Do you resonate with this offering? But you still have questions or are not sure it's for you?

Then let's meet for a free 15 min call on Zoom, to connect, get to know each other a little and clarify your questions. Sometimes we just want to get a feeling for someone before we book a session, especially if we haven't met the person before. You can go to my booking page and request a connecting call with me.

If you are ready to book a session with me directly go ahead, I look forward to meet you! 

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