"A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom."
Dr. Joe Dispenza
The MAP Coaching Method
Guided by your innate wisdom
The MAP Method™ (Make Anything Possible) is a gentle and highly effective neuroscience -based coaching method that neutralizes subconscious blocks. It clears fears, unprocessed emotions and limiting beliefs at the root by neutralizing the memories that created them. The results are lasting due to the rewiring of the brain. MAP offers a whole new level of inner freedom, neutrality and space to make new choices and consciously co-create your life.

This intelligent and respectful method is for you if you have an interest in one or more of the following aims:
Letting go of recurring patterns that you no longer wish to experience
Neutralizing specific fears and doubts
Transforming worry, stress, overwhelm, poor boundaries
Transforming relationship patterns
Dissolving limiting and disempowering beliefs
Neutralizing unhelpful family conditioning, ancestral influence and imprints
Integrating overwhelming or traumatic events and memories
Neutralising hidden blockages in the subconscious mind
Release of emotional pain (heartbreak, loss, grief)
Clearing energies from the past, other people and other sources
Gaining clarity on your goals, desires and visions and aligning with them
Empowerment - Remembering and utilizing your creative power and becoming aware of your unlimited nature
Expansion & growth - expanding your spiritual and personal horizon and evolve in the areas of your life you wish to grow
Be a conscious creator - co-create a lifestyle and experiences that inspire you and fill you with joy! (relationships/friendships, work, life purpose/contribution, finances, living situation, ...) by using MAP to integrate blockages and inner personality aspects that may not be fully aligned with your new visions yet

«Using the MAP Method the brain is able to replace the old negative connection with a new one that's positive or neutral, which leads to immediate changes and transformation in the way you think and behave.»
MAP Coaching Institute
The MAP Method uses the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity to reconsolidate and rewire long-term memories that are not helpful to your healing, happiness, inner peace, expansion and success. In MAP we work with the part of the brain that can organize itself through neuroplasticity which is the brain’s genius and natural ability to rewire itself.
"Everything that is running our automated body-mind is controlled by memories. We have been stacking memories upon memories since we were born, some we may not realize such as body movements, organ functions, reactions to life situations. Everything that causes our automated behavior is a memory. And scientific research has shown that anything caused by a memory can change! This means that no matter what you are feeling, thinking or experiencing, all of it can change.. by changing the memories." (by MAP Coaching Institute)
During a MAP session we will work with the subconscious mind (aka Superconscious, Higher Self, Infinite Intelligence) which can access deep memories that are at the core of each experience, thought or emotion.
To find out more about the science & research behind the MAP method click HERE and learn more about the method HERE.
"I can't thank Jayasri enough. I have made a quantum leap at work after a single MAP Coaching Session. I was on the verge of quitting my job because I just couldn't get along with my boss. I found her to be extremely dominant and difficult to work with. In the meantime, our relationship is simply great! I had a particular issue that was making me feel insecure at work. In the MAP Coaching Session we worked on that issue and from that date on, I could cultivate a different approach. I now feel very safe and confident within myself and that inner transformation seems to have an effect on my boss. I can now work in peace and even get to choose my favourite tasks while working at my own pace. It's such a cool and new experience, which I never had before. So again, thank you so much, dear Jayasri. It's like working 2.0." - Andrea B., Lawyer
Having supported people with different types of bodywork, breathwork, and a variety of coaching and healing modalities for around 15 years, I have witnessed many deep transformations in my clients and have found my work to be truly rewarding.
Then I reached a point where I was no longer completely satisfied with the work I was offering. I felt that so much more was possible and the longing to find the "missing link", to serve people on a much deeper level, grew stronger by the day. For a while I tried to ignore this inner voice and labeled it as «my sometimes overly critical mind». I had been studying coaching and healing modalities for two decades, and although I strongly believe we are constantly learning and evolving, I also knew that I have a dominant personality part that often suggested that "it's not good enough yet" and pushed me to learn more.
So I decided not to pay any attention to the seemingly negative self-talk. But one morning I felt the longing to find "my missing link" particularly strongly again. This time, I decided to listen and said to myself, "What if this is my heart talking and not my critical mind?" I sat down in my meditation corner, opened a blank page on my laptop and began to write.
The headline read, "Healing at the Root - I Found My Missing Link." I decided to give some air time to this voice that had been urging me for weeks and wrote down what ended up being a full description of a "new" coaching and healing method.
I wrote things like, "This method clears all unhelpful imprints and traumas from all times, including: past lives, ancestors, cultural beliefs, prenatal, childhood, school, first love, relationships, vows, entanglements. It liberates people by healing at the root and dissolving what is not true for them. It neutralizes and provides a new space from which to create what is desired and healthy for one's life path, in harmony with the person's Higher Self. The method has a scientific element. The change happens in the brain, in the cells. The process is deeply transformative and at the same time effortless. The method uses muscle testing, creates lasting results and it works with the divine presence and love..." After no more words came, I closed my laptop, applied a 5-minute manifestation technique, and said: "Universe, if such a method already exists, please guide me to it." Then I let it go completely. And finally the voice inside me was at rest.
About three days later, something astonishing happened! While sipping my hot chocolate, I casually browsed a social media page, lost in thought… and .. landed on the MAP Coaching Institute website. Oh wow! Honestly, I was positively shocked. The description of this method called MAP was exactly what I had asked the Universe for! They even used the same terminology. How on earth had these MAP people read my diary? ;-) After that, everything was flowing wonderfully: I received a few MAP sessions myself before joyfully signing up for MAP Coaching and passionately studying MAP with other students from around the world. I am so enthusiastic about this method! Thanks to MAP I have transformed some of my more stubborn patterns, especially in relationships, but also around dealing with pressure, perfectionism and healthy boundaries. And those who know me, will also know that I only offer stuff that I practice myself and is effectively transforming my own life experience.

FIRST TIME SPECIAL​ ♡ (online session)
Never experienced a MAP Session with me before?
I offer your introductory session for CHF 190
OPTION 1: Package of 3 Sessions (online)
If you'd like to continue exploring MAP after your first session, I recommend this package.
It includes 3 sessions at the rate of CHF 200 per session
Cost for package of 3: CHF 600
You save CHF 60 compared to single sessions.
The package is valid for 3 months to ensure you keep momentum and stay focused
OPTION 2: Package of 6 sessions (online)
If you are someone who is interested in deep, inner, regular work while enjoying the best price possible: This package was designed for you!
It includes 6 sessions at the price of CHF 190 per session / best price
Cost for package of 6: CHF 1140
You save a full CHF 180 compared to single sessions.
The package is valid for 6 months to ensure you keep momentum, stay focused and reach your goals. With each session we can go deeper.
OPTION 3: Single sessions (online)
For those who prefer booking sessions individually, not in the context of a package, my regular rate is CHF 230 per session.
WHERE: These MAP sessions take place online, via zoom. This type of coaching works very well online.
To my international clients: The time slots in my online booking system will automatically be displayed in your own time zone.