"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
Rise in Love Journey
The 12 Week Coaching Program for Single Women
To live in harmonious lasting relationship with their most compatible partner is on top of most people's wish list for their life. Most of us long for this special and authentic connection with another human being. To be loved, give love and share life with another person, this strong sense of belonging and home-coming.

Yet, so many feel a truly happy relationship and finding the right partner is like an unattainable dream from a fairy tale. Many are discouraged , disappointed or even bitter in this important aspect of live. Some stay single for many years or give up entirely on love. Loneliness is very wide-spread and we all long for
nurturing human connection.
In the self-help and spiritual field you will often hear things like: You have to find all the love within yourself or in God. Fill up your own cup. The only place to find happiness is within. Do not to get too attached to another person. Some voices even suggest to "transcend" this desire for romantic relationship altogether. Even though I see some truth in these perspectives, they are not complete to me. True connection, belonging and love are of the most important human needs, no matter how enlightened, evolved, self-sufficient an independent you think you are.
I am certain that if you have this desire in your heart to live in a beautiful relationship, it was placed there by your inner guidance/higher Self for a reason and it is absolutely possible and meant for you to have this kind of connection. It's a valid desire and we cannot make it go away. We can only suppress or deny it. And that is very painful and comes with its own consequences.
My Story
I am living proof that is it possible to attract the relationship of your dreams into your life. Romantic relationship used to be one of the most challenging and painful areas of my life. Mostly full of confusion, lack, restlessness and longing. I felt powerless, with no idea how to change my situation. I had tremendous doubts whether a truly happy lasting relationship was even meant for me. I almost gave up. But then out of this pain and dissatisfaction, I studied everything I could, to find out what it takes to have this kind of relationship in my life. And most importantly: I did a lot of inner work and dove deeply into the subject and my inner world for many years.
In this 12-weeks "Rise In Love" program I am sharing with you all I have learned and discovered in order to transform my situation which will serve you as well, to become a vibrational match to your ideal relationship.
Who is the 12-weeks Rise In Love Journey for?
• You are single, a woman and are looking for a male partner
• You have a deep longing for a lasting, beautiful relationship with your ideal partner but don't know how to make it your reality
• Attracting the right relationship into your life is among your top priorities
or even your highest wish at this point of your life
• You are willing to do the inner work: To discover your patterns, conditioning, core beliefs and underlying causes which prevent you from having your wish fulfilled
• You are open-minded, coachable and motivated to do this program
• You are willing to invest time, energy and money into transforming your current situation
• You are motivated to do assignments such as writing, practices, listening to audios, recorded sessions, meditations and daily rituals in between our sessions, as well as applying practical changes
What you will receive with the Rise in Love Journey
✓ Private sessions with a focus on transforming what stands between you and your ideal relationship
✓ Breathwork sessions
✓ Creating a crystal clear relationship vision and turning it into your reality
✓ Transforming your core beliefs and narratives
✓ Letting go of old baggage and imprints on the topic of relationship
What is secretly sabotaging and influencing your love life without your knowledge? Integrating your (unconscious) resistance to a happy relationship
✓ You will learn a powerful 5 step process to transform stressful thoughts. A tool that will serve you for a lifetime
✓ Receive an easy self-help tool to free yourself from confusion, stress and limiting beliefs. This method is gold!
✓ Insight about masculine and feminine polarity and how this dynamic influences attracting the right partner
✓ Clarifying your questions around dating
✓ Highly effective recorded MAP Coaching sessions & Meditations to align with your ideal partner
✓ Reading and audiobook list
✓ E-mail and WhatsApp support as needed
✓ My wholehearted guidance and full presence for your journey
✓ A safe, loving space to be yourself, transform, heal, expand and take a big leap in the direction of your ideal relationship
✓ My 15 year work experience
MODULE 1 "Your why, inner exploration of beliefs & conditioning, insights”
MODULE 2 "Clearing & letting go of the old"
MODULE 3 "Rising in Love with yourself"
MODULE 4 “Creating & inviting the New – The Art of Manifestation”
MODULE 5 "Prepare for your partner"
MODULE 6 "All about connection, polarity & dating"
The methods and approaches I work with...
NI Neurosystemische Integration® ganzheitlich-integrative Traumaarbeit (Trauma Integration Work)
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Intuitive Mentoring
Meditation & Awareness Practices
The Art of Conscious Manifesting
Bach flower medicine
Prayer, intention, divine invocation
Oneness Deeksha Blessings

Why a 12-week journey?
Where focus goes, energy flows! Meaning: Alone your decisions that the topic of relationship is of such high priority for you to dedicate yourself to it for 12 weeks and the commitment that comes with it will already shift your point of attraction for this topic, get you unstuck and move things into a new, positive direction for you. It's a message to your subconscious and the universe that you really want change and are willing to take action and invest your time and energy.
When you have made an investment, you will stick with the process, even if it gets hard or uncomfortable during your integration process. Without the commitment, many people give up when it gets a bit more challenging. That's why so few of us live lives that truly inspire them: We usually get discouraged along the way, give up and are disappointed in us and life. To invest in yourself, means you are not going to give up so easily and it means that you have me as your guide on your side through all the phases of your healing process.
In three months we go into a depth that we could never reach in single sessions. We will build a relationship of trust that allows me to get to know you and to support you in the most efficient way. I will pour everything that I have learned, all my love, presence and experience of the last 12 years of supporting people and the last 20 years of being on the path of spirituality and integration, into the work with you. I will fully dedicate myself to your transformation.
In Western society we glorify "doing it on your own and not needing anyone". I think that's a sad and harsh attitude. To recognise when you need support and ask for it, is a sign of wisdom and strength.
Are you interested in the Rise in Love Journey?
Click the button below to fill out the application form. I will contact you within 48 hours after receiving your application. We will meet for a complimentary, no strings attached conversation (approx. 30 min.) During this meeting we will get to know each other a bit and you will receive all the details for the Rise in Love Program. After this we'll decide whether we are a good match to work with each other.
Important: Please do not apply if you expect me to have a magic wand to undo all your challenges around relationship and make a perfect partner appear for you. Only apply if you are ready to take responsibility for your own journey and commit to do your inner work and understand that the success of this program depends to a huge part on your willingness to show up, do the work, be open and vulnerable to go deep and stick with the process even if it gets a bit more challenging. If you are a yes to this, we will be an amazing team! I guarantee you my full support and a powerful program that definitely work to make you a vibrational match to what you desire and eventually call in the relationship your heart is yearning for!